单词(2023 3.5-3.12)

2023 3.5

Once upon a time in a laboratory far away, there was a scientist who worked with materials such as arsenide, gallium, and germanium. One day, while conducting an experiment on diffusion and drift, he decided to dope the materials to create an intrinsic semiconductor. However, something went wrong and the material became devoid of any useful properties.

Frustrated, the scientist walked down the long corridor of the laboratory when suddenly he felt a surge of inspiration. He realized that he could still use the material for something else. Excitedly, he ran back to his lab and began to tamper with his experiment.

In the end, his hard work paid off and he was able to create something new and useful from what had seemed like a failure. And so, our scientist learned that sometimes it takes a little bit of creativity and determination to turn things around

2023 3.7

As a seasoned detective, John knew that the key to any successful investigation was to proceed with caution. He carefully studied the case files, examining the evidence and piecing together the clues. The case was complex and he needed to be on his toes at all times.

One day, as he was going through the suspect’s profile, he noticed something odd. The man had a history of drug abuse and his last arrest was for possession of dope. John knew that this was a potential lead that could help him crack the case.

He decided to resume his investigation, delving deeper into the suspect’s drug connections. He started tracking down the people the suspect had been associating with and soon enough, he discovered a cascade of drug-related crimes that were linked to the suspect.

The trail led John to a notorious drug lord who was known for supplying drugs to high-profile clients. This was a breakthrough for John, but he knew that he had to be careful. The drug lord had a reputation for being ruthless and he would not hesitate to eliminate anyone who got in his way.

John gathered his team and made a plan to arrest the drug lord and his associates. The operation was a success and they managed to seize a large quantity of drugs that were being circulated in the city.

As he sat down to write his report, John realized that this case had been one of the toughest he had ever worked on. But the feeling of satisfaction he got from cracking it was unparalleled. He knew that the people of the city were safer now that the drug lord was behind bars.

2023 3.8

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a lowly caterpillar who lived in the fields. Despite his lowliness, he had big dreams and always prioritized his goals. One day he came up with a scheme to obviate the need for crawling on the ground. He would become a hybrid creature that could fly!

He began to formulate a plan and devised a way to streamline his transformation. With the help of his friends, he was able to facilitate the process and supervise every step of the way. They even managed to overhaul his entire body structure.

As he emerged from his cocoon, he was vivid with phosphorous colors. His wings were intact and free from any impurities such as boron or other depletion elements. He even had a warranty for his covalent bonds.

With a salutation and sales pitch, he took off into the sky. He flew over fields of crops and used his new comparator vision to see the world in a whole new way. The diffusion of air over his wings made him feel alive.

As he reached the penultimate point of his journey, he realized that all along he had been genuine in his desire to change. And with that thought in mind, he soared higher than ever before.

2023 3.9

Once upon a time, there was a brilliant engineer named Sam. Sam had always been fascinated by the concept of electricity and spent most of his days tinkering with circuits and devices in his workshop. One day, he decided to design a new kind of transistor that would revolutionize the electronics industry.

Sam knew that in order to create this new transistor, he would need to understand the properties of a certain phenomenon called the Zener avalanche effect. This effect occurs when a voltage across a semiconductor junction exceeds a certain threshold, causing a rapid increase in current that can damage the device. Sam spent months studying the Zener effect, poring over datasheets and testing different materials in his lab.

Eventually, Sam discovered a way to use the Zener effect to create a new type of transistor that could operate at much higher frequencies than existing models. He called this device the Zener transistor, and it quickly became the talk of the electronics world.

However, Sam’s success was short-lived. After a few months of production, he began to notice that the Zener transistors were reaching a point of saturation, where they could no longer handle any more current. This was a problem that had plagued transistor designers for years, and it threatened to undermine Sam’s breakthrough.

Determined to find a solution, Sam once again turned to his trusty workshop. He experimented with different materials, altered the profile of the transistor, and even changed the pitch of the semiconductor layers. Finally, after months of trial and error, Sam discovered a way to increase the saturation point of the Zener transistor, making it a viable option for high-power applications.

Sam’s Zener transistor became a game-changer in the electronics industry, paving the way for faster, more efficient devices. And to this day, engineers around the world continue to build upon Sam’s groundbreaking work, pushing the limits of what is possible in the field of electronics.

2023 3.10

In the small town of Cedarwood, a groundbreaking new technology was about to be unveiled. The local research team had been tinkering with an actuator that could control the throughput of a pore in a bidirectional manner, opening up exciting new possibilities for the medical and manufacturing industries.

As they prepared for the big reveal, one of the researchers noticed some crosstalk in the device’s communications system. They quickly discovered that a residue from a wrapper used in an earlier experiment was causing the issue.

The team worked tirelessly to fix the problem, but the deadline was looming, and they still couldn’t get the actuator to work properly. As they frantically tried to find a solution, they were struck by a sudden realization: the actuator was asynchronous, meaning it didn’t need to be perfectly in sync to function correctly.

With renewed hope, the team quickly made the necessary adjustments, and the actuator came to life. The crowd at the unveiling was amazed as the device effortlessly controlled the pore’s throughput, opening up a whole new world of possibilities.

However, little did they know that the actuator’s success would soon be overshadowed by a deadly plague that would sweep across the town. As the situation grew more dire, the researchers worked tirelessly to find a solution, and they soon discovered that the same actuator that had once brought so much hope could be used to combat the disease.

Using the bidirectional control, they were able to deliver a powerful medication directly to the affected cells, effectively stopping the plague in its tracks. As the town began to recover, the once-misunderstood actuator became a symbol of hope and resilience, proving that even the smallest advancements can make a huge impact on the world.

2023 3.11

Once upon a time, in a world far different from ours, there existed a society where communication was everything. People communicated with each other using a strange language that was composed of “bits” and “Baud” that were rendered into “full-duplex” mode to ensure that there were no communication gaps. This was essential for the functioning of the society because it had a strict hierarchy that was constituted of different levels of power and influence.

At the top of this hierarchy were the “Renderers,” who were responsible for creating and customizing the communication channels that people used. They had the power to acknowledge or reject the requests of the people below them and could control the granularity of the communication channels.

One day, a young boy named Cookie realized that he was stuck in an “idle” state, where he couldn’t communicate with anyone else in the society. He tried to send messages, but they were not acknowledged by the Renderers, and he couldn’t figure out why.

Determined to find a solution, Cookie went on a quest to learn more about the communication channels and how they worked. He discovered that the Renderers were so focused on their own power and influence that they had forgotten about the needs of the people below them.

Cookie decided to take matters into his own hands and learned how to customize his communication channels to suit his needs. He found a way to bypass the hierarchy and communicate with other people directly, using a conjunction of bits and Baud that he had never used before.

Slowly but surely, other people in the society started to follow Cookie’s lead, and they too began to customize their communication channels. The hierarchy started to crumble, and people began to communicate with each other on an equal footing.

In the end, Cookie became a hero and was acknowledged by everyone in the society for his courage and ingenuity. He had shown that even the smallest bits of communication could have a significant impact and that sometimes, it’s essential to break free from the confines of the hierarchy to achieve true freedom.

2023 3.12

Once upon a time, in a world far beyond our own, there was a small village called Lagbar. This village was known for its vast array of artefacts that could be found throughout the town, each with its own unique history and story. Many travellers would come from far and wide to see these artefacts, but little did they know that there was one in particular that held a dark secret.

This artefact was a small, barbed bucket that had been passed down through generations of the village’s butlers. It was said that this bucket had been used in a horrific ritual many years ago, and the butlers had kept it hidden away ever since. However, with the rise of employability and the need for tourism in the village, it was decided that the artefact would be put on display for all to see.

This decision was met with mixed reactions from the villagers. Some believed that it would bring in more tourists and therefore increase their income, while others deprecate the idea, fearing that the dark history behind the bucket would tarnish the village’s reputation. After much discussion, a consensus was reached, and the bucket was put on display.

However, things took a turn for the worse when a group of teenagers visiting the village decided to play a game of Fortnite in the town square. Little did they know that the bucket’s dark energy had somehow made its way into the game, causing a stochastic batch of events to occur.

Suddenly, the game became multifaceted, with players speaking in different languages and battling against various mythical creatures. It soon became apparent that the bucket was draining the valence from the game, causing it to become more and more dangerous with each passing moment.

Desperate to fix the situation, the village elders decided to hone their skills and liaise with the teenagers in order to find a way to stop the game. After much trial and error, they discovered that the only way to break the curse was to destroy the bucket once and for all.

With much hesitation, the elders destroyed the cursed artefact, and the game returned to normal. The villagers were relieved, but they knew that they had to be more careful with the artefacts they put on display in the future. For they knew that in a world of magic and mystery, even the smallest artefact could have a great power.

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