CS10,11,12 Written Assignment


Report 要求


  • provide a detailed explanation of the issue(s)

  • provide a detailed explanation of two or more approaches to resolving the issue(s)

  • use the two source articles provided

  • use at least two other source articles located via the UoG Library online system and/or the IEEE Xplore database

  • provide a full and accurate reference list in IEEE style

  • Abstract

  • include a glossary of any specialist or technical terms (最多十个)


  • 共$1000\pm 10%$字,Abstract $100-150$字


  1. Font: Arial bold 12pt for headings + subheadings; Arial 11pt for TextBody

  2. Spacing: 1.5 spacing

  3. Visuals: Only include visual information if necessary. If doing so, make sure you reference this appropriately using IEEE style.

  4. Cover page: Include a cover page with name (in Pinyin), UESTC ID, Assignment Title and word count. All writing on this page must be in Arial 14pt.

Report 组成

  • Abstract

  • main body of the text

  • glossary

  • reference list



  • 5.14

Name Format

  • WA_group_SurnameFirstname eg WA_CE4A_WangJiangqin

Academic Literacy

Scientific Writing

  1. Readability

  2. Economy

  • 少字多信息
  1. Precision

  2. Clarity

  3. Not Just Science

Carbon Footprints of ICs


  • 设计优化:通过优化电路设计和选择更高效的芯片,可以减少芯片的功耗和碳排放量。例如,采用更低功耗的芯片、优化电路布局等,可以减少芯片的能耗和碳排放量.

  • 制造优化:通过采用更环保的制造过程,可以减少芯片制造过程中的碳排放量。例如,采用更高效的制造设备、使用可再生能源等,可以减少制造过程中的碳排放量.

  • 延长使用寿命:通过延长芯片的使用寿命,可以减少因更换芯片而产生的碳排放量。例如,采用更高质量的芯片、优化芯片的使用环境等,可以延长芯片的使用寿命.

  • 回收利用:通过回收利用废旧芯片,可以减少废旧芯片对环境的影响和碳排放量。例如,采用回收利用技术,将废旧芯片回收、分解和再利用,可以减少废旧芯片对环境的影响和碳排放.

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