CS2-3 毕业生 简历 实习

Skills for Career Success

transferrable skills

  1. Communication
  2. Problem-solving
  3. Leadership
  4. Time management
  5. Organizational skills
  6. Adaptability
  7. Self-motivation
  8. Interpersonal skills
  9. Teamwork
  10. Critical thinking

21th Century Skills

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Problem solving
  3. Collaboration
  4. Adaptability
  5. Communication
  6. Creativity
  7. Leadership
  8. Digital literacy
  9. Emotional intelligence
  10. Cultural awareness

Graduate Attributes (GA)


Graduate Attributes are the skills, knowledge, values and attributes that students are expected to acquire during their studies.


  1. Academic

  2. Personal

  3. Transferable

Internship and Work Placement


An internship is a form of experiential learning that provides students and recent graduates with the opportunity to gain hands-on work experience in a professional setting. Internships can be paid or unpaid, and can last anywhere from a few weeks to a year.

Work Placement

Work placement is a type of job experience that allows students to gain practical experience in a professional working environment.


  1. WP is a part of the degree(course)

  2. Finish WP earns academic credits.

Jobs and CVs

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that summarizes your academic and professional achievements, skills and experiences. A CV is different from a resume, which is typically shorter and more focused on specific skills and accomplishments relevant to a particular job.

What to Include in a CV

  • Contact information: Include your full name, address, phone number and email address. You can also add other relevant information such as your LinkedIn profile or personal website.

  • Profile

  • Professional experience: Include the organization where you worked, the job title, the dates you were employed and a summary of your experience and achievements. Use bullet points to highlight your main responsibilities and accomplishments. Use action verbs and quantify your results whenever possible.

  • Academic history: List all schooling from high school through postdoctoral (if applicable). Include the title of the degree you earned, the year you graduated and the name of the school. You can also mention any honors, awards or scholarships you received.

  • Skills: List any relevant skills that you have developed or demonstrated in your academic or professional career. These can include hard skills (such as languages, software or technical skills) or soft skills (such as communication, teamwork or leadership skills). You can also mention any certifications or licenses you have obtained.

  • Publications: If you have published any papers, books, chapters or articles in academic journals or other outlets, list them here. Include the title of the publication, the name of the journal or publisher, the date of publication and any co-authors.

  • Awards and honors: If you have received any recognition for your academic or professional work, such as prizes, grants, fellowships or scholarships, list them here. Include the name of the awarding institution or organization, the date of receipt and a brief description of what it was for.

  • References: If requested by the employer or institution you are applying to, provide contact details of two or three people who can vouch for your qualifications and performance. These can be former professors, supervisors or colleagues who know you well. Include their name, title and affiliation, phone number and email address.

How to Format Your CV

There is no one right way to format your CV, but there are some general guidelines to follow:

  • Use a clear and professional font such as Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri. The font size should be between 10 and 12 points.

  • Use consistent formatting throughout your CV, such as bolding or italicizing headings, using bullet points or numbers for lists, and aligning text to the left margin.

  • Use white space to separate different sections and make your CV easy to read. Avoid using too many colors, graphics or fancy fonts that may distract from your content.

  • Keep your CV concise and relevant. Ideally, it should be no longer than two pages, unless you have extensive publications or experience that require more space. Focus on highlighting your most important achievements and skills that match the position you are applying for.

  • Proofread your CV carefully before sending it.

Power Verb


Verbs that convey a stronger sense of action and meaning when describing a behavior or action. These verbs often make sentences more *vivid, forceful, and expressive.


Using power verbs can enhance your ability to communicate, making your language more precise and specific.


Leadership skills

  1. Communication:
  • articulated
  • communicated
  • conveyed
  • delivered
  • explained
  • facilitated
  • influenced
  • negotiated
  • persuaded
  1. Collaboration:
  • aligned

  • collaborated

  • coordinated,

  • engaged

  • fostered

  • partnered

  • supported

  • united

  1. Innovation
  • conceived,

  • created

  • designed

  • developed

  • discovered

  • implemented

  • innovated

  • launched

  • pioneered

  1. Strategy
  • analyzed

  • devised

  • established

  • formulated

  • led

  • orchestrated

  • planne

  • strategized

  1. Execution
  • achieved
  • completed
  • delivered
  • executed
  • managed
  • oversaw
  • produced


  1. Use specific and relevant power verbs

Use varied and diverse power verbs. Avoid using the same verb over and over again Instead use varied and diverse verbs that show different aspects of your leadership skills For example instead of saying “I managed several projects” say “I managed several projects coordinated with cross-functional teams and delivered high-quality results on time”

  1. Use action-oriented and positive power verbs

Avoid using passive or negative verbs like “was” “had” or “failed” Instead use action-oriented and positive verbs that show your initiative and achievements For example instead of saying “I was responsible for a budget” say “I administered a budget of $1 million and reduced costs by 15%


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